I got a text this morning at 5:50 am. It was from Chad saying they were all up at his hotel. We were all still asleep. I told them I didn't dare go to the car and load up until the sun was out. About 6:20 I started to load the van and strap the stroller on the back. Chad and his family pulled into our hotel a little after 7 am. Luckily we were up and mostly ready. After breakfast at McDonald's we were on the road headed to Anaheim. And a quick drive down the strip.
Today the girls wanted to watch movies and play games on the kindle. They watched part of Harry Potter with Claire, a couple of Doras, and Big hero 6.
Then it was pool time. Current temperature when we got here was 84°. Yikes that is hot especially for January. Harps is doing great swimming.
We headed to down town Disney and to get our tickets for tomorrow. On the way Erin noticed Mollie was missing a shoe. We looked and looked and it never turned up. Ugh. Dang kids.
Currently everyone is asleep, Harper zonked out pretty much right when we got back. My feet hurt. But we are ask packed and ready to hit Disneyland in the morning. Still little sad my husband isn't with us yet. Soon. Very soon.